Beyond the State - Two-Day Work Week
With technology where it is, we should only have to work about two days per week. The idea that humanity views our occupation as our only purpose here is time to be put to death.
2/14/20255 min read
What if I told you that within a year from now, we could all be working two days a week instead of what we’re doing now? What if I showed you a way to end mass incarceration and homelessness in one fell swoop? Inequality could be gone overnight. These things could all happen and I’m going to tell you exactly why and how.
The current administration thinks they have finally gotten what they wanted. Control. Now that they have it, or the illusion of it, it’s all about to crumble for them. As with any change in life, we often pay attention to the discomfort the change causes, rather than what might be gained from making the change. I invite you to see what’s going on, particularly in America, as an opportunity. While many see it as the apocalypse, if you can shift your perspective, you can see how it could easily be turned into our salvation.
Here’s why it’s going to crumble for them. Very simply, money isn’t real and that’s all they have. The photo for this post is a reality and can be our reality. At no time in history has there been so much wealth concentrated at the top. At the same time, almost none of them could operate the businesses that they own.
They have no skills. They add nothing to society. Sure, to hear them tell it, they’re making sure we get cell service, or managing the budget, or whatever, but all of those jobs just go to serve the capitalistic system. David Graeber, one of the leaders of the Occupy Wall Street movement, wrote a book called, Bullshit Jobs. In his book, he points out how most of the white collar jobs are just filler jobs, given to buddies and family members.
“We have become a civilization based on work - not even “productive work” but works as an end and meaning in itself.”
David Graeber
Several years ago I had an idea for a book. Never came to fruition, but the idea was that a bunch of hackers sent out a virus that pulled all of the digital money in the world back to one central server and then wiped the hard drive.
If you think about where we’re at now, the first part of that is kind of done already. They have almost all of the money and most of us are in debt that we’ll never realistically get out of. We know that their bureaucracy creates more problems than it solves and that if they found themselves broke in our world, they would be absolutely lost.
Understand that your Starbucks doesn’t come from board members or hedge fund managers. It comes from a barista, who makes it with products brought by a truck driver. The product was grown by a farmer and maybe loaded on a ship by a general laborer. They don’t provide your cell service. The people out there putting up towers, making repairs, and programming the systems. We are the ones who make the world work.
They provide no service to society, most pay a very low tax rate, therefore additionally not providing anything to society. They have more than they need, but they can never get enough. It is that unbridled greed that has turned them into addicts, who care not for the consequences of their actions.
So, what do we do about all of this? How do we flip what they’re doing now into an opportunity? We just stop paying them. That’s right. Cut the cord. Everybody keeps going to work to provide the services necessary, but we stop paying for them. I know what you’re thinking. Crazy, right?
Hear me out though. The rest of the world has been fighting the American Empire for decades. We are the greatest empire in history and, as empires do, we’ve thrown our weight around and taken what we’ve wanted. The people of the world are tired of it. They’re also smart enough to understand that we’re caught in it too and don’t know what to do.
But right now, at this specific moment in history, a window has opened up, and if we, or at least enough of us, can put our differences aside, come together, and organize, there is nothing they can do against our numbers. In America, there is a post-9/11 atmosphere. Trump, who’s old enough to have a decade in a nursing home, is being shadowed by Musk and the people finally see through it and realize how dangerous this could be.
Across the world, there are individuals, groups, and organizations who have millions of followers combined between them. I have watched General Strike US rise from 100,000 pledges on their strike card to over 200,000 in three months. I have watched go from 100,000 to 300,000 in the past year.
The Aquarius Collective is building the infrastructure to manage what is to come and working to unite those thousands and thousands of groups around the world, to hear their plans, consider the options, and implement real solutions that aren’t mired in bureaucracy, and a profit motive.
We have partnered with Intrast to create a singular communications platform, specifically for organizing grassroots movements. We have an LLM under development to sift through all of our partners’ plans and suggest ways for us to collaborate that we would likely miss, given such a large amount of data.
Everyone in the world uses clickbait to get you to see what they have to say, almost always in an attempt to get you to buy something. I’m not asking for anything except your cooperation. I work on donations, so if you feel compelled to help, I say thank you. The universe has gotten me this far, so I think I can trust it at this point. wink wink
This really isn’t going to be as hard as it sounds. The hardest will be organizing people, but look at what we manage at our jobs every day. People tell me regularly, “I don’t have anything to contribute.” That’s crap! You just haven’t looked at things the right way. You’ve likely been taught that other people are smarter than you and know better, but they don’t. They’re just better at acting like they do.
The hardest part of this whole endeavor will be getting people together and explaining how it will work in enough ways that people finally start to get it. I can explain, in great detail exactly what this could look like. As these groups start coming together under one (or maybe many for now) banner, our numbers and thus our voice will grow. Once it grows to a certain number, we can effectively shut their game down by cutting the cord, and simply not paying them anymore.
Over the following several months, bullshit jobs will disappear and we’ll find that very few of our jobs are actually meaningful to our existence and that almost all of the jobs were bullshit. And they are. As we realize we don’t need all of this stuff, there will be fewer jobs. More people, with fewer jobs to be done, means that we only have to work about two days a week.
This is how our labor has been and is being stolen by us. Technology should have made our lives easier, but if you ask anybody, it just hasn’t. We’re more stressed now than ever, even with all of this convenience. They (the ruling class) have it better. How do you think Musk would react to having to deal with getting a customer service rep on the phone at Verizon LOL
We can do this folks. All we have to do is take a leap of faith and know that we are by far more capable and knowledgeable about how the world actually operates than they will ever be.
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be putting out more and more of these plans and ideas about how to bring this about. Already, we’re putting people in place to organize systems to help people get used to doing things a little differently. In ways that make more sense. We welcome you all to join the conversation.
Be easy,